Setting Three Spiritual Goals for Your Family

family walking on a trail

“Know Him, Love Him, Serve Him” is more than a phrase that sounds spiritual or looks official. It’s the motto of Children’s Ministries at Stonebriar and our sincere desire for each child and each parent. Try using it as a guide for your family’s spiritual goals.

Goal #1: Know Him.

We can do this in many ways, in a very similar way to how we get to know people. We can observe them, but the knowledge we gain that way is limited. We can talk to them to learn a little more, but to learn the most about a person we must listen to them. It is the same with God. We can observe the behavior of “Christians,” but we may get an inaccurate view of who God is. We can talk to God through prayer. We learn a little more, but again, our view of God is limited to our own conversation. If we listen to God, through His spoken word: His Story, the Bible, we can begin to develop an intimate relationship with Him as we really learn who He is.

Goal #2: Love Him.

The more we get to know God, the more we grow to Love Him. When we see that He uniquely created each one of us; when we see how He crafted a perfect plan because He loved us; when we see that He died for us because He loves us so much, we can’t help but love Him more! We can respond to our love for Him through worship, giving, prayer, and sharing Him with others. The excitement we have for Him should be evident in everything we do.

Goal #3: Serve Him.

As we continue to grow in that love for Him, it begins to change us from being self-focused to being focused on other. That’s when we begin to Serve Him. Not because it’s our “duty,” but because it’s our desire. It’s our response to Him, and it becomes our desire that others may begin to Know Him through us. And the cycle continues….


  • Kristi McElheney

    Kristi McElheney served as Elementary Ministry Leader at Stonebriar Community Church until 2018, and she now serves the Lord as Children and Parenting Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church as well as an Associate Instructor at Walk Thru the Bible in Dallas, TX.

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