Mom and dad, this is not just another thing to put on your holiday to-do list—this is the real deal. If you do nothing else to mark the coming of Christmas this year, do not skip the ritual of an Advent celebration. We have all the resources you need to establish your own family...
Stuff My Dad Said, Part 1
Imagine you and I are sitting on the shore of a quiet lake fishing, or around a campfire dodging the smoke, or sitting on the front porch rocking in a couple of wooden chairs that squeak just a bit when you rock. Can you imagine that? Good. Now join me for a small sampling...
What Is the Point?
On Valentine's Day, we tend to focus on intimacy with our spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, and even our children. But this week, Pastor Dave Carl asks the questions: What is the point? Why would you want a relationship with Christ if you were not dedicated or willing to develop it, nurture it, grow...
Help Your Kids Overcome Disappointment, Part 2
In this Parenting Pathway Podcast Part 2, Pastor Dave Carl and Student Ministry Pastor Nathan Kocurek talk about all the losses and disappointments our children are facing in this COVID-19 world. They focus on the steps to helping our children move through their loss experience, recognize the validity of their feelings and embrace their...
Help Your Kids Overcome Disappointment, Part 1
In the Parenting Pathway Podcast Part 1, Pastor Dave Carl invites Student Ministry Pastor Nathan Kocurek to talk about the all the loss and disappointments our children are facing as a new and very different school year is approaching. How we train our kids to respond in the face of such adversity will have...
To All The Dads
In an open letter to dads from Pastor Dave Carl, he wants to say Congratulations! If you are a dad by adoption, by foster care, by unofficial adoption, or by procreating, welcome! You have now become a superhero. You don’t get to refuse or shy away. It is not optional—you simply have taken on...
The Trouble with Grace
What does "grace" mean? What difference would it make if I drank deeply from it and lived in the joy and freedom God has offered us? It would change everything, absolutely everything. A misunderstanding of grace can keep you from the very relationship with God you were created to enjoy. In this podcast episode,...
Don’t Tell Them, “It Will All Be Fine”
In the daily crush of stay-at-home orders, quarantines, gloves, masks, updates on the number of infected and deaths, school at home, and so on, there is great temptation tell our kids that "everything will be okay." But in our effort to soothe their fears, are we setting them up for a crisis of faith?...
The Blessing of Good Grieving
We are all losing something these days. You might be telling yourself, you are fine, you just need to get through. But are you? In this Parenting Pathway podcast, we will discuss what grief looks like and how we can understand that there is healing and closure on the other side....
This Is an Amazing Opportunity
It seems counter intuitive to look at this time in history as an opportunity. But why not take the challenge to change the view of all that is going on in the world under a different lens. What if you were to step back and instead of focusing on the limitation you and...
Mentoring and Modeling Approach to Parenting Boys
In part one of our Parenting Pathway series Mentoring and Modeling Approach to Parenting, Family Ministries Pastor Dave Carl and church member Brad Buhl talk about modeling manhood for our boys. There are few events in the modern boy’s life where he can point to a line and say, “Today I am a man!”...
Set the Table for Forgiveness
My dad planted a garden for many years when I was a kid. I loved to plant stuff with him. Cantaloupe, tomatoes, strawberries (we lived in southern California) and we even planted corn one year. I’m no expert at gardening but then – you don’t really need to be an expert to garden. There...