Student Ministry Pastor Nathan Kocurek shares 4 tips for overcoming: stressing about being cool (acceptance), stressing about grades (insecurity), stressing about parents (independence), and stressing about relationships (identity). ...
Help Your Kids Overcome Disappointment, Part 2
In this Parenting Pathway Podcast Part 2, Pastor Dave Carl and Student Ministry Pastor Nathan Kocurek talk about all the losses and disappointments our children are facing in this COVID-19 world. They focus on the steps to helping our children move through their loss experience, recognize the validity of their feelings and embrace their...
Help Your Kids Overcome Disappointment, Part 1
In the Parenting Pathway Podcast Part 1, Pastor Dave Carl invites Student Ministry Pastor Nathan Kocurek to talk about the all the loss and disappointments our children are facing as a new and very different school year is approaching. How we train our kids to respond in the face of such adversity will have...
Three Steps to Reach Non-Christian Friends
Parents, A few years ago when I was working in Southern California as a new youth pastor, a handful of students in our youth group asked how they could reach out to their non-Christian friends at school. Before we came up with a plan or a strategy, we began with prayer, mostly because I...
How to Connect with Your Teen This Summer
The weird thing about teenagers… Let me start over—one of the weird things about teenagers is how self-contradictory they are. For example… Non-conformity conformity Knowing everything without knowing anything Never making food but always hungry Loving their dog while ignoring their dog Tons of clothes but nothing to wear Another way teenagers contradict themselves...
Launch Well With Purpose
Parenting Pathway Podcast with Family Ministry Pastor Dave Carl and Student Ministry Associate Pastor Nathan Kocurek. “So be sure when you step, step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s a Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.” Dr....