“You’re off to great places!” Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so… Get on your way! —Dr. Suess When I first began as a student ministry pastor, I quickly encountered the problem we have all come to recognize as “graduating from church.” Statistics varied wildly, but everyone seemed to agree there was...
Did We Do Enough?
Our daughter is graduating high school this year. There are so many things about her graduation that are exciting. Graduation photos, prom, banquets, college planning—it’s all so new and so exciting. After all, this is what we’ve worked hard for as parents, right? She’s so excited about college, and she’s definitely more independent than...
The Secret Stash
When I was a kid, there was no place you could hide a thing in my house that I would not find. In fact, I made it my business to know every nook and cranny of that place. Now, I was regularly unable to find where I left my shoes, but the important stuff, the stuff...
The Undeniable Super Powers of a Dad
Every Dad has super powers. In fact, if you are a dad, you do not have the ability to NOT have them. You just do—so you had better embrace it. Fathers have a special way to influence their families that creates a ripple effect for generations to come. This is a huge responsibility, and...
Navigate Them Well
Yesterday was a milestone for me—I turned the ripe old age of 33. There was a little Penguins of Madagascar action, followed by a grand trip to Costco, and a fun evening with our MarriageCore group at someone’s home. I have managed to cram quite a lot of living into these years, and I...